Monday 13 October 2014

Appeal for Mufflers

From The Times, Tuesday October 13, 1914.


Sir,—I have been requested by the authorities at the War Office to collect 250,000 mufflers as quickly as possible for the use of our troops at the front.  I shall therefore be most grateful for contributions either in money or kind towards the fulfilment of this object. The mufflers should be 2½ yards long by 12in. wide, with no fringes, and the colour of the wool should be khaki or grey.  ...

I am continuing to keep open my fund for the supply of socks and shirts, contributions to which should be sent to the depot at 54, Beauchamp-place, S.W.  ...

Might I add that I have now 90 women working for me, both at Messrs. Harrods and also in a room kindly lent me by Messrs. Tudor?  These women would otherwise be out of work owing to the war, and I am naturally anxious to obtain sufficient funds to enable me to keep them employed throughout the winter.

Yours faithfully,
The Manor House, Waltham Cross, Herts,
Oct. 10.

[Lady French was the wife of Sir John French, commanding the British Expeditionary Force. She had issued an appeal for socks and mufflers (or comforters) at the end of August (see here).   This new appeal is running in parallel with the Queen's appeal for 300,000 pairs of socks and 300,000 body belts, launched in September.  Lord Kitchener asked for the socks and body belts for the troops in France, and now the War Office is asking for mufflers for the same men - it looks a bit unco-ordinated.]

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